Monday, October 31, 2016

Jayhawks and Ichabods

My son Dallas is a sophomore at the University of Kansas. He studies hard, he has a part-time job and he's even in a fraternity. He's been understandably busy when I've tried to get him to watch "Out Here In Kansas."
"Just email it to me," he told me,
"No, man," I replied. "You have to come to a screening."
It finally happened Saturday. I drove up to Naismith Hall, hung out in his dorm and took him to the Salty Iguana before that night's screening in Topeka.
That was at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Topeka, in an event sponsored by UUFT Justice and the Beacon Youth. It was fun seeing so familiar faces from last year's shoot at the Equality House. It was fun meeting UUFT Minister Sarah G. Oglesby-Dunegan, who is now probably on my five top list of people I'd like to share a beer with.
And it was fun visiting with people like Kansas author Annette Billings, my cousin Beth and Julie Buzbee, my former co-worker at the St. Joseph (Mo.) News-Press, who was kind enough to take the picture you're looking at right now.

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